The Beauty of Bali

7/10/2017: Day Nineteen

I fly out tomorrow, my journey has almost run it’s course. Today is a casual day with not a lot on the agenda. I start the day with breakfast, before heading up to Kuta to the Skate Shop-Motion, to purchase a new skateboard deck for my son. I indulge at the Starbucks across the road while my son looks at the photos I messaged him, of the decks available. Purchase complete, I make my way back toward the hotel. On the way back I buy a couple of small things for my grandchildren and a few trinkets for the students in my class.

It is as I am almost at my hotel, that I remember getting my hair straightened during my last visit here with my sister. I head back and book myself in……as usual, they are ready to get straight onto it. Balinese-born ready!!!! I love it!!

The establishment is Eve, near Kuta Station Hotel. They are a friendly bunch who laugh easily amongst themselves and with clients that come and go. It is evident that they have made similar impressions on others as the clients who enter, speak with familiarity to the staff. I am happy to just to sit back and listen quietly while friendly banter fills the air.


Hours later I emerge feeling like a million dollars! It is raining now so I run to the hotel to avoid getting my newly straightened hair wet. I sit and enjoy my evening meal and then indulge in one last massage before I leave. I need to be at the airport in the morning before the sun comes up so there will be no massages tomorrow! The masseuse at the hotel that I get, is Darmi. She is BLOODY FANTASTIC!! I even recommend her to a couple considering a massage as I walk out.Will definitely be coming back here for more!! You were right Payney!!!

I’m not gonna lie….the massage was the end of me. I made my way back to my room. Made sure everything was good to go in the morning and climbed into bed.

I drifted off to sleep thinking about the past couple of weeks. Even though it had gone quickly, it felt like it had lasted a lifetime!!

This trip has been such a memorable experience!

Seeya back in Oz….

Love you 40-leven



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